My Diary.

Wednesday, november 29th 2017 after the computer network class is finished I go to noe place to do the data structure practice duty, after finished doing my task mermain cs with noe. after satisfied play my game back to kos. on thursday, november 30th 2017 I quickly went to campus with budy and it turns out that the empty Thursday's day I feel very disappointed but I did not concern the problem because in the absence of empty hours I have a lot of time to do the task of data structure theory, so banykanya task I do one day not finished and finally I decided to do it tomorrow. on friday, december 1st 2017 today I continue the task that yesterday has not finished a little profit so fast selsai. after I finished my task to watch my favorite movie that is one piece. around 3 pm I feel bored and finally I decided to improve my blog because I have so many blogs I get tired to fix everything.

Wednesday, December 6th 2017, after finishing college I went to the place rani to fix his broken friend's laptop, after repairing the laptop, I went back to boarding house and sleep because tired once, at night I invited friends to wifi.id to teach him coding. Thursday, December 7th 2017 today the weather is very hot, because this day off, my friends and I visited his mother Purwoko who was sick, I also pray the best for his mother heal quickly. Friday, December 8th 2017, there is no activity that is interesting because all the usual things there are no prominent activities to be written on this day.

Tuesday, December 19th 2017, after the lecture was finished, I direct the task practice makes a report, first, I make coding in advance about the stack stack array and linked list, then I explained the steps the course the program, after all the preparation is done I recently made its report. It turns out that today's manufacturing report lidak completed. Wednesday, December 20th 2017, today I continue making reports on the stack stack array and linked list, before that I went to her place kelvin and his friends to eat first and discuss the tasks on this week, it turns out that many Once, after I finished eating it directly back to kos and continued yesterday's unfinished task. That night I invited my friends to wifi.id and all my reports making reference searching. Thursday, December 21th 2017 after coursework completed my friend asked for help for the reporting practices, especially the coding because he had learned about the stack and I am ready to help him. I help the making of stack and also explains the parts and also operations that are on the stack, after finish all of it I immediately went home to boarders and sleep due to tired. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017, today its work much at all, after the lecture was finished, I direct the task laporanpraktek, a day I am working on this task so no impression that is too good for these days. Wednesday, December 27, 2017, because lectures today there is only one, me and my friends decided to refresing and compose yourself for a moment, after refresing, me and my friends went home and worked on the task again. Thursday December 28th, 2017, today there is no interesting things, just things that repeat from time to time

Monday, January 1, 2018, today is the beginning of the year 2018, and I went to alfamart to see firecrackers with friends while working on assignment practices. Tuesday 2 January 2018, today is a very happy once until I could not speak. Ohh yaa today is the practice of assignment dateline, I was very surprised, I guess the dateline of practice Wednesday, as it turned out today, luckily the task is over and today there are also computer security quiz, I was very surprised because I have yet to learn, Fortunately because it is easy so I can do it. Wednesday January 3, 2018, after the lecture was finished, I went to her place and mahesa fellows to work on a big task, where we share our advice for large tasks.


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